Leadership and Collaboration Groups

ISABC Leadership and Collaboration Groups

The Leadership and Collaboration groups are a fundamental strength of the ISABC.  They are self-motivated and self-managed. Members seek to share their expertise and experiences while exploring new ideas in education for the continuous improvement of both their individual schools and the ISABC community.

The groups are formed in pursuit of collaborative activity and networking within the schools of the ISABC and professional growth of the individuals.


ISABC Shared Drive

All ISABC Leadership and Collaboration Groups have an individual ISABC Shared Drive. This Drive gives your group access to agendas, minutes and additional resources throughout the year to refer back to and to share with one another. If you are a member of more than one group you will have access to each group’s Shared Drive. If you are unable to access your group’s ISABC Shared Drive please contact [email protected] to be granted access.


Contact Information

Whether you are attending or hosting a meeting, you will find all the information you need on this website. If you have any questions please contact the Bonnie Fisher at [email protected].



Dates and times for all Leadership and Collaboration Group Meetings are included on the calendar below.

ISABC Leadership and Collaboration meetings will take place in person once a year, with as many virtual meetings taking place as needed.

Only those who are members of the group will have access to the meeting agenda and resources.


March 2025

Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
  • Academic/Deputy Heads Meeting
  • ISABC Social Studies Meeting
  • Academic/Deputy Heads Meeting
  • ADST Meeting
  • Technology ED & SYS Group Meeting

Procedure: Hosting an ISABC Leadership/Collaboration Group Meeting

The ISABC offers funds to cover valued external professional learning costs. Catering costs are covered by the host school.  The ISABC strongly encourages all schools to rotate hosting duties.  Not only does this allow for an equitable sharing of resources, but allows your colleagues to tour a school they may not have visited before.

Steps to hosting a meeting:
The lead of your group will manage these steps below.  However, if you are hosting an in-person meeting at your school or have been asked to facilitate on online meeting, review step 1 below.

Community Agreement

Every host should adhere to the previously agreed group’s Terms of Reference

Step #1: Review ISABC Guidelines for hosting an In-Person or Online collaborative meeting

Step #2: Create Agenda using In-Person or Online template

Step #3: Contact the group using the group’s specific ISABC email address to provide date, time and to collect agenda topics

Step #4: Complete a Pro-D Request Form if funds are needed from ISABC for Professional Development purposes

Step #6: During the meeting ensure someone completes the minutes and places them on the Google Team Drive after the meeting

Step #7: Ask all participants to complete the meeting Feedback Form before leaving the meeting

The average In-person meeting is 4 hours and the average online meeting is scheduled for 1 to 2 hours.

Your ISABC Leadership and Collaboration Group has a group email address. All members of your group are linked to this address for easy communication. Please use the appropriate email address listed below to connect with your group.

If you need to refer back to previous correspondence that you can no longer find or are a new member to the group and are looking for previous information regarding a meeting or agenda, you can find all previous correspondence via your Google Group.

If you like to start a new Group, please refer to the Procedures for Starting a New Group Document.


List of all the ISABC Leadership and Collaboration Groups

Leadership Groups Group Email Collaboration Groups Group Email
Academic/Deputy Heads [email protected] Heads of Math [email protected]
Advancement [email protected] Heads of Science [email protected]
Admissions [email protected] Heads of Social Studies [email protected]
Athletic Directors Senior [email protected] Heads of English [email protected]
Athletic Coordinators – Elementary [email protected] Heads of English Language Learning [email protected]
Business Managers [email protected] Heads of Languages [email protected]
Directors of Human Resources [email protected] Heads of Fine and Performing Arts [email protected]
Directors of IT (Ed and System/Networks) [email protected] Personal Counsellors [email protected]
Learning Resource Leaders [email protected] University Counsellors [email protected]
Marketing and Communications [email protected] Executive Assistants [email protected]
Principals of Senior Schools [email protected] Primary Teachers [email protected]
Principals of Middle Schools [email protected] Librarians [email protected]
Principals of Junior Schools [email protected] Outdoor Education [email protected]
Principals of Early Learning [email protected] Mental Health and Wellbeing [email protected]
Risk Managers [email protected] Indigenous Education [email protected]
Facility Managers [email protected] Service Learning Coordinators [email protected]
Controllers [email protected] Experiential Learning [email protected]
Student Life [email protected] Registrar [email protected]
Senior School Principals [email protected] SOGI Leaders [email protected]
Junior School Principals [email protected] Environmental Sustainability [email protected]

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