It turns out eight year olds are also plugged into conversations about urbanism, affordability and neighbourhood change in Vancouver. Lindsay Causey of independent school Stratford Hall is teaching a unit on “how we organize ourselves.” Students are learning about decisions we make as a society and their impact on people and the environment. They’ve touched […]
18th Annual Fundraising Campaign to Support Alcohol-Free Graduation Celebrations
The LDB (Liquor Distribution Branch) announced their 18th annual fundraising campaign to support alcohol-free graduation celebrations in communities throughout British Columbia. The Campaign will run in their stores from March 4 to March 31, 2018. Applications for this grant are due in the FISA office by Tuesday, December 5, 2017. An application is attached.
Urban Academy Grade 1’s Innovate Community Through STEAM
Each term at Urban Academy, students focus on a Unit of Inquiry – a 6-8 week in-depth exploration of a concept. To begin the unit, students are introduced to a large concept and problem posed by their teacher. The solution requires an understanding of numerous core subject areas including math, literacy, science and the arts. […]
Creating Connections Through Family Boarding
For Paul O’Callaghan and his family, the Family Boarding Program has been a fulfilling way to create rich connections all over the world. Read his story below! My wife Jacqueline and I, along with our four children, have been very fortunate to have many positive experiences through the GNS Family Boarding Program. We initially embarked […]
Asking Big Questions
In a recent class, Theory of Knowledge 11 students became famous philosophers from history in order to debate ethics. One of the strengths of Theory of Knowledge is that it explores big questions in a variety of areas. One of these, ethics, is always especially popular. Students are always very interested in questions of justice […]
Preparing Students to Succeed Today and Tomorrow
One of the questions I am often asked by parents is about what makes the GNS educational program unique. It begins with the acknowledgement that our world is rapidly changing, highly complex and increasingly competitive. In many cases, the jobs your children will hold have not yet been invented and the opportunities they will encounter […]
Independent or Private; does the language help or confuse?
In British Columbia parents value a wide range of alternatives when choosing the education for their children; however, in conversation parents are often uncertain on the simple matter of vocabulary. Are these schools private or independent and what is implied by the vocabulary used? The government of British Columbia makes it clear that in […]
Commercial Drive kids take up fight for crosswalk safety
Sue Groesbeck, head of school of Stratford Hall independent school on Commercial Drive, has one word for the traffic situation she says is putting over 500 students in danger: “Horrifying.” The death Sunday of a pedestrian who was struck in the crosswalk at 12th Avenue and Commercial Drive on Sept. 17 — a […]
The Maker Movement in schools has students learning by doing
“Grade Fives! This is where everything you’ve done up until now comes into play. We are going to move to the IDEA Lab and there are going to be buckets of material on the table and you are going to take the one best idea you have and create a prototype. Questions?” Meg Penafiel asks […]
ISABC Holiday Calendar
ISABC Holiday Calendar