An ISABC school will provide the best educational opportunities possible to meet children’s individual needs. Through collaboration, commitment and an atmosphere of mutual respect, ISABC member schools are positioned to achieve the highest standards of education.

The ISABC schools are committed to innovation, excellence and opportunity in every aspect of a child’s education. Collectively the Association’s schools strive to deliver the best:
- Academic programming – with outstanding results
- Academic support and attention to individual learning needs
- Culture of individual support and care
- Performing and Visual Arts programs
- Sporting opportunities
- Co-curricular and service opportunities
- Global awareness/connections
- Student leadership development
Within the Association there is a wide range of options and programs to allow each individual to reach the exceptional standards desired by discerning parents.
Most ISABC students progress to the university of their first choice; a higher proportion than in other schools assume places at some of the leading tertiary institutions in North America and the world including Harvard, Princeton and Yale; Oxford and Cambridge.
Our schools support students from across the socio-economic spectrum. Many families prioritize their children’s education and make great sacrifices to ensure their children access the best educational opportunities. In support of this ideal, individual ISABC schools offer extensive bursaries and scholarship opportunities.
All ISABC schools are regularly inspected and meet the BC Ministry expectations for independent schools. Most ISABC schools are also accredited by the International Baccalaureate (IB) or the Canadian Accredited Independent Schools (CAIS) or the Council for International Schools (CIS).
Together, the ISABC family links teachers and leaders ensuring the sharing of the best educational and leadership practices, as well as resources and ideas.