This year’s ISABC Pro-D day will take place on Friday, February 12, 2021 from 8:20am to 12:00pm in an online format. Given teachers’ and administrators’ vast efforts this year, we have reduced the length of the day to allow for a little longer BC Family day weekend. This year’s event will have 3 one-hour sessions with 15 minutes break in between each session.
ISABC 2021 Pro-D Day Format:
8:20am – 9:30am | Session #1 Keynote Speaker: Empowering Educators with Practical Wellbeing Tools
9:45am – 10:45am | Session #2 Mini Keynote Speakers
11:00am – 12:00pm | Session #3 Subject and Roundtable Break-out Sessions
Registration is now open! For more information about ISABC 2021 Virtual Pro-D Day registration and the sessions, please visit the ISABC 2021 Virtual Pro-D Day website.