Calling all BC students!
Win $1,000 or an iPad by entering the “Show Me ShakeOut” poster and video contest.
All you have to do is create a poster or video illustrating the importance of “Drop, Cover, Hold On” during an earthquake.
The winning entries will be used by ShakeOutBC to educate the public about the need for earthquake preparedness and how the simple steps of “Drop, Cover, Hold On” can save lives.
The poster contest is open to primary and intermediate school students (kindergarten to grade 7). The video contest is targeted to high school students (grades 8 to 12). For grades K through 7, winners will receive iPads. The high school winner will receive $1,000 provided by ShakeOutBC’s lead sponsor, the Insurance Bureau of Canada.
Submissions are due April 25, 2016. Winners will be announced on May 4th, 2016. The selected posters and videos will be shared on the ShakeOutBC website, as well as via Twitter (@ShakeOutBC), YouTube and Facebook.
For full details and entry forms visit: